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It would be fair to assume that the vast majority of us check our emails at least daily. Unless you’re a complete technophobe or living under a rock, you’ll receive emails regarding all kinds of personal and professional matters. 

And there are no signs of email slowing down with Statistica estimating that the number of global email users is set to grow to 4.48 billion users by 2024. 

That’s some pretty staggering statistics, and it’s clear to see that the marketing and communication power of email is extensive and inescapable – something you’ll (most likely) already be aware of. 

But implementing email nurture campaigns into your marketing strategy is a way to take this one step further. 

They are a really great business asset, helping you to maintain customer relationships and strengthen trust as a result. 

In order to fully profit from the value of email nurture campaigns, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how they work. 

So, in this blog, we’re going to explore in a bit more detail what exactly an email nurture campaign is, its purpose, and give some examples.  Finally, we will explain why this is a beneficial tool, particularly for paint retailers.

What is an email nurture campaign?

To start with, let’s go over what an email nurture campaign is.

An email nurture campaign is a series of emails sent to those on your mailing list to inform them of any news and updates, new stock, special offers, and so on. 

Just as the word nurture would suggest, these emails are more ‘emotionally’ orientated, with the aim of connecting and building on customer relationships rather than mindlessly pushing sales.

For businesses, email lists can be hard to maintain. Equally, from a consumer point of view, it is so easy to delete emails without reading them. At times, it’s more tempting to just unsubscribe altogether when your inbox is inundated with emails from numerous different sources. 

So, when firing out emails, it’s essential that the content of your email campaigns is relevant and worthwhile for readers. 

It needs to come across in the communications that you have your customers’ best interests in mind. This allows for a successful email campaign and encourages those on the receiving end to remain loyal to your business.

To achieve this, you will have to dedicate enough time to engage with your customers. Get to know their wants and needs and produce an email nurture campaign to reflect this. 

????‍???? Related content: Boost Your Sales With a Better Email Signature.

What is the purpose of an email nurture campaign?

Now that we’ve explained more about what the email nurture campaign entails, you may be wondering, is it really necessary?

The aim of any business is to prompt purchases, which first and foremost is the priority. But personal connection is important too. As a retailer, you should have a genuine interest in your mailing list audience and want to help them. 

You can use these emails to keep customers aware of any new product launches, promotions, or updates to your business. But above all, conveying a sense of authenticity and sincere concern in your email communications is key. This makes clients put more trust in your services. 

Thinking back to the customer journey map, you can identify what your focus should be at this stage. 

  • Email nurture campaign = nurturing an already established relationship

The emails in this campaign are sent to previous customers or potential customers signed up to your mailing list. This will have a knock-on effect on the type of content that you need to be putting out. 

For example, you may want to accommodate the needs of your loyal customers. Do this by offering repeat purchase discounts, special packages, exclusive new products and free trials. Find out more about the personal business goals of your clients and what they would like to get from you.

Sparking further conversation between you and your customers means you can educate them more about your service. Additionally, you can answer any questions, and inspire customers to keep growing their respective businesses. 

Email nurture campaigns also have a proven return on investment, as a form of marketing with fewer wasted resources. Email campaigns are free, and once set up, they can be sent out automatically – which is highly efficient and easy. 

Ideas for your email nurture campaign 

Now, what kind of thing should you be sending out for this email nurture campaign?

Of course, emails containing general helpful information and updates are very important to communicate to your customers. But they don’t all need to be promotional. 

Engagement leads to sales, so getting people to click onto the emails in the first place is the main goal. 

For this reason, you will need to send something that people will want to read and interact with. This could be:

  • Hints and tips
  • Upskilling furniture flippers
  • Customer testimonials
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • Downloads

These are just some suggestions on how to use your nurture series. 

How does an email nurture campaign benefit paint retailers?

As a paint retailer, the contact you have with your customers will arguably be much more frequent than other businesses’. 

This is due to the fact that your service directly impacts the success of their own projects. They need strong products and services from you in order to sustain their business.

You will also require regular contact to keep on top of the general business operations that you have set up. Because of this, it’s vital to build a long-lasting relationship with your customers. 

It’s important that you have a genuine interest in their wellbeing and want the best for their business, and can offer them the best products, incentives, and rewards for their loyalty.

An email nurture campaign is so simple to do and is an effective way of keeping friendly contact with your customers. All the while, it communicates what needs to be said in a mutually beneficial way. 

If you want to find out more about how to market your paint retailer then you can sign up for our PaintpreneurⓇ newsletter. We’ll send you some top painting tips, plus some help with marketing your business. 

How Flip Runway Distribution Supports Your Company’s Digital Marketing.

Flip Runway Distribution is passionate about helping paint and furniture flippers like you build successful businesses with your digital marketing! That’s why we’ve created the Paintpreneur® Academy, just for you. Check out all our blog articles to learn more about how you can promote a successful paint and furniture refinishing business!


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