Two Laptops

If you’ve got a paint retail shop, then it can be tempting to think that’s enough to get you some sales. And it will be to an extent, you’ll get locals and regulars stopping by, and picking up what they need.

However, in terms of growth and efficiency, running your business without a website can be very limiting – especially in 2023.

As a creative, the thought of managing a website might sound intimidating, but it does not have to be. Once you’re all set up, your website will give way to a whole host of benefits that will not only help your business run seamlessly but will give you access to a wider audience in order to boost your revenue. 

In this blog, we’ll explore why it’s essential that you have a website for your creative business in 2023.  

What is the Zero moment of truth (ZMOT) & why it’s important…

Have you ever heard of the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)? 

Think about how you shop in 2023. It’s likely that if you are looking to buy something then the first place you turn to is Google. You’ll type your query into a search engine and then click on whatever pops up.

Only people who are already aware of your services will be actively searching for your direct website. And this is often a relatively small number unless you are a very well known brand. So you’ll need to capitalise on the help of search engines like Google and this is where the Zero Moment of Truth can come in handy. 

ZMOT refers to the moment in the buying process when the customer starts to research a product prior to purchase. This is usually done online and is done BEFORE ever getting in contact with a company.

Creating a website (and the right content – more on that later) will tap into the ZMOT and allow your potential customers to find your website and products. It gives you the opportunity for more customers to find you (and not just ones that are local).

Especially at present, with saturated markets and the convenience of internet commerce, we’re faced with so many options. Consequently, the act of researching before buying a product or using a service has become an essential practice for many. 

It only takes a quick search online to direct you to the best choice for your needs and price range. People use search engines to aid their research and businesses can gain lots of customers this way. 

Therefore, if you don’t have a website, you are inevitably missing out on many potential leads. 

1. A website will give your business credibility…

Have you ever heard of a business then realised they don’t have a website or online presence?

How did it make you feel?

Not only does the mere fact of having a website help to cement you as credible. Having a company website naturally makes your business appear more professional and established, and even its existence of it can help to drive sales. 

However, it also offers a place for you to display customer reviews and testimonials – and it can be a great marketing tool. It encourages sales as prospective customers will have more trust in the fact that you are a reputable business. 

Displaying your contact details on a website further reinforces that you are a real business, not a scam. 

Finally, and quite simply, there is just an expectation nowadays that businesses have websites. That in itself is an indicator of credibility.

2. A website shows off your product/services range…

A website is a perfect place to display your products or services. Uploading high-quality images, with clear and informative descriptions is simple to do and very effective in enticing your potential customers into buying. 

For paint products, it’s a good idea to show off the colours in action. This will help your potential customers to visualise how they can use the product, and how it will look. 

Plus, you can tailor this website content however you like. You could upload short-form video content, or create downloadable PDF guides, to help make the consumer’s life easier. 

This will not only entice customers but product descriptions and images will help your website Search Engine Optimisation and will in turn drive more traffic to your website. 

3. A website allows you to sell nationwide…

No matter how successful your physical shop is, it will always be limited to a clientele of local people. Or, at least, those within a reasonably short vicinity. 

There is far less opportunity to expand your client portfolio, and you are reliant on a handful of people. This is a lot of pressure to put on a small customer base. 

Using the internet opens your business up to a nationwide market. You never know exactly who will come across your website and be interested in using your services. 

The act of having a website does not necessarily guarantee that you will become a national retailer. But still, opening up to a nationwide expansion is a huge step for your business. 

Selling further afield and to a wider customer base gives your business more security in terms of sales and revenue and opportunity for growth.  

4. A website allows you to be open 24/7…

When you only have a physical shop, sales are strictly limited to the opening hours of your store. The moment you close up and leave for the night, that’s it. 

If a customer cannot visit your shop during opening hours, then they may have no choice but no look elsewhere. As a result, their business will go to your competitors. 

Of course, it’s impossible for a human to be available 24/7 – but a website can. 

Having a business website, or an eCommerce store, allows customers to make sales any day, at any time. 

This gives customers more opportunity to buy from you and means they are not restricted to traditional trading hours. 

They can buy quickly and easily, wherever and whenever is convenient for them, and you don’t miss out on sales. It’s a win-win. 

5. A website is an easy sales process…

Have you ever found something you want to buy but it’s a bit of a hassle to actually make the purchase?

Maybe you have to go into a store to buy….

Or maybe you have to phone them up and pay…

Either way, it’s not the most convenient. And if there is one thing that shoppers are after (arguably) more than anything else it’s convenience. So you have to make it as easy as possible for customers to buy from you. 

Luckily, you can easily (and cheaply), link your points of sale to your website. Allowing you to take instant, online payments via multiple different payment platforms including credit, debit card, PayPal and other buy now, pay later platforms such as Klarna. 

People want to buy online…let them. 

6. A website allows you to answer customer questions…

Thanks to the instantaneous nature of the internet, consumers have an expectation of accessing information in a flash. Having to search around or reach out to obtain information can be off-putting. 

The speed of the internet facilitates this need for instant gratification. 

With a website, you can answer questions before customers even get the chance to ask. Information about who you are, what you offer, and how to contact you should be quickly accessible. 

Plus, you can offer tips and hints on how to use your products, FAQs and inspiration to get their creative juices flowing. 

If this information is readily available and suited to the customer’s needs, they will be more likely to stick around. This positive experience on your webpage may lead the consumer to go on and make a purchase. 

Answering questions online also eradicates the need for prospective or repeat customers to send enquiring emails or phone calls. The information will already be clearly displayed on your website. 

This in turn saves your business time and energy, as you can focus on more important tasks. 

7. A website will help you build a relationship with customers…

Lastly, having an online presence builds and strengthens customer relations. 

One aspect of websites in particular that can prove hugely valuable is email opt-in forms.

This gives businesses a chance to build regular contact with customers through a mailing list. It’s a simple and efficient way to send updates, exclusive discounts, loyalty rewards, and so on. 

Your website can also act more simply as a convenient point of contact. 

Important information, photos, and blogs can all be uploaded to your website and serve to improve the customer experience. 

This also brings a more personal element to your business webpage, encouraging a sense of community.

  • Related content: Sign up for our newsletter here…

Is it enough to have a website?

Sound brilliant doesn’t it?

And we always recommend that our retailers have a website.

However, it’s not enough to just throw up a couple of website pages and think that it will do all the work. 

In line with the ZMOT, you need to have enough “content” on your website for people to find in their searches. This can include many things such as:

  • Website pages
  • Product descriptions
  • Images
  • E-books/downloads
  • Blogs
  • How to videos

As well as email series, and social posts to help drive people back to your website to buy. 

It’s not enough to have a one-page website, and hope that it drives traffic and sales. You need a full, comprehensive website that helps educate and inform your customers. And ultimately drives traffic to your website and helps convert that traffic into sales. 

In Conclusion…

In 2022, it is all but expected that you will have a website to display your products and buy from. Ultimately, all of these will help you reach a wider potential audience, and increase your paint business sales and revenue. 

The internet is a powerful tool for all businesses, but can really make a huge impact, particularly for smaller ones. It breaks down barriers such as time constraints and distance and allows for more accessibility, credibility and community. 

If you wish to sign up for more information via our newsletter then you can here. As well as news on paint, we offer some marketing 101 to help you grow your business.

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