Four Hands With Phones

How many emails do you send every day? According to Campaign Monitor, people send and receive about 120 emails per day. That’s a LOT of email! Fortunately, you can make your emails work harder for you by creating a click-worthy email signature.

4 Benefits of Having a Strong Email Signature

If you’ve set up an email signature with your email service provider, your signature will automatically appear at the end of every email you send. Email signatures can include just your name, or you can add more information like links to your website and social media accounts, promotions related to your store, and even attachments like videos.

Creating a strong email signature:

  1. Helps your recipients get to know you better — You can include important information about your brand to help people understand the benefits your store offers.
  2. Makes your brand look more professional — Email signatures are standard these days, so using an automated email signature helps professionalize your brand.
  3. Enhances your other marketing efforts — If you’re running a particular marketing campaign, such as a promotion about an upcoming DIY workshop event you’re hosting, your email signature can help boost awareness of the campaign.
  4. Drives people to your other marketing channels — If your email signature includes links to your website and social media channels, your recipients have the chance to connect with you in places outside of email.

You can usually find options for creating and editing your email signature in your email service provider’s Settings menu. For example, if you use Gmail, you can click the Settings icon (which looks like a small gear) at the top righthand corner of the screen to access email signature options.

Email Signature Best Practices: What to Include

Ready to create your professional email signature? At the bare minimum, here are 5 elements to include:

  • Your name — Obviously, you want people to know who’s sending the email they’ve just read!
  • Your job title — Help recipients get to know your professional identity a little bit with this information.
  • Your company’s name, linked to your website — Include a hyperlink with your company name so people can visit your online store easily.
  • Social media profile icons, linked to your social profiles — Include hyperlinks with your social media profile icons so recipients can engage with you through these profiles.
  • Any other contact information you want to provide — This could include your phone number, your store’s address, or even a link to schedule a call with you.

If you want to take your email signature over the top, you can add a professional headshot photo and a short, one-sentence promotional statement. For example, you may want to promote:

  • An upcoming event at your store, such as a DIY workshop
  • An ongoing sale or other promotion at your store
  • Information about a regular weekly special you host, such as #WorkshopWednesdays
  • Information about one of your top-selling products
  • Information about a product that’s on clearance or about to be discontinued
  • A link to a popular video tutorial, ebook, or article you’ve created
  • A link where customers can write a review for your store and/or products

Just remember: You want to keep your email signature short and sweet so you don’t distract from the content in your actual email. Also, be sure everything in your email signature aligns with your brand standards for a uniform look.

Email Signature Tools

Have you ever wondered how some people have such beautifully formatted email signatures? Many people use an email signature tool to create a professional-looking closing. Here are some of our favorite free options:

  • HubSpot — HubSpot’s free email signature generator tool offers six different templates for you to choose from so you can customize a signature that works well for your brand. You can add images, a call to action, and even change colors to create the perfect signature.
  • Mail Signatures — Mail Signatures’ Free Email Signature Generator also offers a choice in signature templates with the ability to customize the information in your signature. They even allow you to create a banner at the bottom of your signature which you can use to promote your latest sale, event, or other happening.
  • MySignature — MySignature offers both free and paid email signature templates you can customize for your business. We love how clean and modern the templates are!

Before you hit “Save” on your email signature, double check all the information. Are there any typos? Do all the links actually work? Once you’ve verified everything is correct, save your work and start using your new signature!

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